Scotland’s referendum – these are a few of my favourite dings

Thought I’d put out a selection of my ‘tampered’ clips.  People release their clips quite innocently on Twitter not realising their are people out there, like me, that pounce on them with our media apps at the ready and a sense of fun and savage irony.  Here are some of my favourite’s before they disappear into the Twitter black hole:

Half expected a chap on the door for this piece of mischief?  This is one of my favourites – how could you resist this on Photoshop?

Brown in custody



Won’t waste my time taking issues to Jackie Baillie MSP Helensburgh after this ‘mod’.  When asked to sum up Better Together in a word (not an expletive) it had to be ‘because’ – why? just because!





He is such a rich source of opportunity to rip the p*ss.  Bet he says that to all the ladies?

Stupid wummin



Jackie Baillie has told so many lies that I am assuming this is a YES!

Bailie in DGY




Like two peas in a … WC

Cameron on Cameron


Speaks for itself.  Since tinkering with this clip, Cameron has lost to UKIP, he’s well on the way to losing Scotland, and Farage is keeping a close watch on his amber nectar!




Here we have a bunch of Better Together campaigners posing for a very ‘contrived’ photo opp.  Note the idiot, middle left using the iPhone but doesn’t realise the ‘app screen’ doesn’t display when using the phone – reason enough for a YES vote?  Notice, that the right hand side are reading different papers – let’s hear it, altogether …. BET  TER TO  GE  THER!

Phone a friend


Some classic naivety from the BBC releasing their partisan poster.

No to Union



Well, you would, wouldn’t you?

revised HS2



… and finally, thanks to whoever put together the gallery for Crimewatch UK – even Senokot couldn’t get anything out of this lot?
