All we seem to hear about these days is the threat of terrorism. Our lives have been turned upside down as the authorities wage war on the terrorist threat. The measures taken to combat this threat are all around us. In London you struggle to find a bin in a public area. There are no bins in the London Underground…
Globalisation – a modern scourge
I generally enjoy The Big Questions on Sunday morning. Last Sunday they touched on immigration – always a hot topic. Specifically, mass immigration that gives oxygen to UKIP. I rarely find myself on the same side as Peter Hitchin but who can argue that it is a matter of historical fact that New Labour set out to create mass immigration…
Deal or No Deal?
They say if you lie down with dogs you get up with flees. This was so much in evidence on Question Time 5 March 2015 watching Danny Alexander squirming with the concept that his party and in fact his seat is marked for demolition. I have no sympathy for the LibDems. They had their chance and they blew it. They…
Aide memoire for canvassers in the GE15
When I was canvassing in the referendum I quickly found I had a bit of an advantage on the doorsteps. As a blogger it was essential I researched my subjects and was prepared for the questions I was asked. By contrast, I found there was an inconsistency amongst my fellow canvassers. Some were very good on the doorsteps while others…