Out with the New!

Sunday morning can start pretty slow – unless you find Peter Mandelson thrust in your face as we did this morning of 10 May on Andrew Marr.  I’m not sure whether this is the BBC being provocative or failing in their attempts to stoke up Labour sympathy.

Either way, they ticked both boxes for me.


The puppeteerCould someone please remind me why Mandelson got a Peerage?  His 3 amigos, Blair, Brown and Campbell have been denied that recognition – perhaps more for reasons of civil unrest then anything else.  Perhaps this is telling us that Blair and Brown were the puppets, Campbell the Gopher and Mandelson, the puppeteer. Certainly, listening to him on Andrew Marr one could be forgiven for drawing that conclusion.  Clearly, Mandelson is the leader who sent his troops into battle while he hid behind a tree.

Fundamentally, Mandelson put an arm around Ed Miliband while cutting his throat with the other. Mandelson has stayed out of the limelight, like the coward that he is, and emerged after the battle was lost to explain to the survivors that they could have won had they adopted his plan?

Did anybody hear Mandelson proclaim that Labour needed to re-find New Labour in the run-up to the General Election?  No.  Mandelson epitomises everything that is wrong with the Labour Party – it became the New Labour Party.

New Labour was a new season coat.  Today’s colour, today’s cut, today’s price.  Everybody wants one.  Everybody goes out and buys one and everybody wears it with pride.

Over time, people realised that their new coat was last year’s colour.  If the truth be told, it doesn’t really fit that well – although I doubt that can be attributed to gorging on the proceeds of a generous society.  As we look in the shop fronts we realise that we paid too high a price for that coat.  So we must ask ourselves an important question.  Do we re-buy that old coat or do we look for the new colour, a better fit and a fairer price.

Nobody, and I mean nobody wants that old coat.  You may find it at the local charity shop – lying outside – because they don’t even want it for free.

Labour let down socialism in the 2015 General Election because they were offering people last seasons old coat!  Mandelson, take note!


In Scotland we were far closer to the truth about the General Election than England – hence, Labour had some modicum of success in England.  In Scotland, the people threw out and rejected everything New Labour.  They either voted them out like; Murphy, Alexander, Balls etc (and they will finish the job on the MSPs in 2016) or they berated them, such as when Brown and Blair made their pathetic attempts to curry favour and persuade the electorate in Scotland.  We were NOT HAVING IT!

But before we consign New Labour to Room 101 let’s have a last quick look at why we reject them to ensure we don’t repeat that mistake.

New Labour swept in on a progressive, people centric populism.  Everything was going to change and power would be brought back to the local community.

In fact, what we really got was an Orwellian State; predicated on lies, deception, double dealing, double talk & media manipulation, spin, political correctness, social engineering and covert alliances, very very covert alliances.


For 70 years at least, Labour has presided over the demise of Scotland’s industrial base, the destruction of our infrastructure, the elimination of their intellectual future and the theft of our vast assets.  In the UK, Labour has wrecked the economy through incompetence, sold off the family gold through connivance and robbed millions of pensioners of their lifetime saving.  They electronically printed and squandered £385 Billion calling it Quantitative Easing and feeding it to the financial markets to gorge themselves.  They courted popularity with PPP and PPI deals in the National Health Service that gifted their private enterprise chums with vast profits which we will be paying for, for another 30 years.  And of course there is the small matter of illegal wars and the blood of a million+ and rising, innocent civilians.

For the avoidance of doubt. The referendum in Scotland did TWO very important things:

1.  It raised the political awareness and knowledge of their people

2.  It gave them the momentum to rid the country of a useless, distorted and disgraced Labour Party.  We can only hope that the vast army of true socialists are still out there, still organised or organising and enthusiastic to regroup and bring back a Labour Party to Scotland that serves the people and offers a good democratic and fair challenge to the SNP for the benefit of both parties.

For now, the mantle of fairness and equality for Scotland and all of the UK lies in the hands of Nicola and her 56 Westminster SNP MPs.


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