Regime Change in the UK

On 15 Dec 2019 I published a blog [Brexit let’s get it … fixed] that analysed the actual votes counted in the General Election and applied some basic probability as to why those people and those groups of people who would almost certainly vote for Jeremy Corbyn.  In other words, why would turkeys vote for Christmas?

If you consider this analysis and still do not feel it poses some serious concerns then perhaps you might expect turkeys to vote for 2 Christmases.

Surely nobody can doubt the depth of the relationship between the US and Israel.  Was there ever a stronger bond between two nations in history.  Israel stands in breach of 69 UN resolutions, the US has vetoed 32 and also failed to even criticise Israel for ignoring all UN resolution citing apartheid, war crimes, genocide and illegal settlements etc.  Barack Obama has pledged £38 Billion in ‘aid’ to Israel over 10 years.  The US is completely at one with the AIPAC mission and attend their annual conferences at Presidential level.  This is the real SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP that the UK thinks they enjoy.  The US in fact have a UK debt of £285 Billion that remains unpaid?

Hopefully, we can accept there exists a very strong relationship between the US and Israel.

Question:  Is there a threat to that Special Relationship?

Not from Thatcher, Blair, Brown, Cameron or May and certainly not from Johnson.  Is there a threat to that relation from Johnson’s main rival for the Office of Prime Minister.  Absolutely, in the form of Jeremy Corbyn.

Jeremy Corbyn has always believed in the rights of the Palestinian People.  He is determined to stop political meddling within the UK and he is opposed to arming Israel. Were he to become Prime Minister that may be on the back of a Supply and Confidence agreement with the SNP.  In return for keeping Jeremy Corbyn in power the SNP would specifically want two concessions.  An Independence Referendum that they would certainly win and the removal of Trident from the Clyde.

Clearly, Jeremy Corbyn represents a clear and present, existential threat to the US and their ‘special relationship’.  The US would rather die in a ditch beside Boris Johnson than see Jeremy Corbyn in Office.

Throughout the Middle East and in South America the US has openly committed to a policy of Regime Change.  Any country, any leader or faction at any time the US see as a threat or potential compromise to their Foreign Policy becomes an immediate target of their ‘not very’ covert REGIME CHANGE.  The Modus Operandi is no secret from sanction, political shenanigans, undercover arming of opposition groups, black ops and too often direct warfare.  There are very obvious examples since before the 1880 to the present day Wikipedia lists 74 Countries subjected to US Regime Change – follow the links –  [the Middle East and worldwide] but there [lesser known examples].  If you Google ‘US Regime Change’ you will be abhorred at the extent of the blatant overthrow of other nations for their profit – this is an Empire Build on steroids.

The difference with Jeremy Corbyn and other US targets is that he was not in power.  He was a potential threat.  As such the US would make absolutely certain that regardless of how blatant it became, JEREMY CORBYN MUST NOT TAKE OFFICE.

The media campaign, direct targeting of Corbyn; even in Parliament with smears of antisemitism.  The relentless campaign to stop Jeremy Corbyn was not about Brexit, it was not about policies or manifesto pledges, it was not about antisemitism.  These were just the weapons that were used as the UK was in fact the subject of a ….


Before the event