We are inside the last 2 weeks and it is so, so close. Not in % terms, in time. We are almost there, we are on the home straight. A word of warning to us all. Races are won and lost on the home straight. We know that a desperate Westminster will try to pull something at the last minute.…
Tag: Scotland’s Referendum Better Together
Sorry to Rehn on your parade
Just a quickie. Watched the ‘big #ScotsDecide debate on STV. Trouble with these debates is they are not really about the issues, they are more about the impact the scare stories have had on the audience? What I mean is, a sensible question might be ‘will Scotland remain in Europe?’. Instead we get, ‘What will happen to Scotland when we…
Scotland 2014 the triple whammy
This evening I lifted my personal embargo on the BBC to watch Scotland 2014 where Alistair Darling was taking questions from Sarah Smith. My expectations were not great, I have to admit; Sarah Smith has not lived up to the original programme hype, but with Darling in the hot seat there was a morbid curiosity sitting within me. Not long…
Christian leaders must not sit on the fence
After some more canvassing it was off to St Joseph’s Hall in Helensburgh for a talk from the fabulously inspiring Rev. Ian Miller, supported by Fiona Sarwar, a member of the church of Scotland and David Kerr, catholic Journalist and broadcaster. The meeting was hosted by Christians for Independence, supported by YesHelensburgh&Lomond and with a Christian church on every street…